Are you trying to up your social media game, but stuck wondering where to start? Are you still trying to find effective strategies? Do you have any idea what your audience wants? With these three basic but highly effective types of social media posts, you’re sure to hit it out of the park and keep packing your audience in the stands.

The best way to incorporate all three types of posts is to build a schedule. We suggest using Google Sheets, Excel, or something similar. Set up the schedule to reflect the month, and color code it to coordinate with the different types of posts you will be making. With that schedule in place, these three different types of posts will become the bread and butter of your content.

Three Types of Social Media Posts You Need to Use image

With these three basic but highly effective types of social media posts, you’re sure to hit it out of the park and keep packing your audience in the stands.

Why you even need three different types of posts? The first and most important reason is algorithms. Facebook and Instagram algorithms tend to favor pages and profiles that output a variety of types of content. This makes sense because audiences also need variety – we all know variety is the spice of life.

Let us help you get started.

 1. Informative

Books are out and posts are in! What is it that sets you and your business or blog apart? Is it knowledge, design, insight, or information? The fact is, your audience is coming to you for a reason, so share the wealth: find out what they need, and give it to them. Write with confidence that you possess information your audience is looking for and that it has the potential to change their lives.

Informative posts are a must, as they increase engagement with your audience members and keep them coming back to gain information and insight. Here are some easy ideas. 

  • Create an eye-catching photo with information in the description or infographic. 
  • Video clips are always handy for sharing information in a quick and concise way that captures your audience’s attention. Make sure to add those into the rotation. 
  • Carousels are crazily successful on Instagram right now, so make sure to utilize this great strategy to share your insight.

Informative posts are a must, as they increase engagement with your audience members and keep them coming back to gain information and insight.

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2. Conversational

The world is at our fingertips, and so is your audience. Grow your audience into a community by incorporating conversational posts. These encourage people to be part of a community discussion by commenting with an emoji, answering a question, or giving you feedback. This benefits you, as it will up your engagement, and it will add value to your audience members as they begin to feel a part of your community.

By having conversations with your audience, you gain insights into their needs, views, and opinions. You can take this information and use it as inspiration and insight into how to get further engagement and, ultimately, how to steer your business and grow.

You can take this information and use it as inspiration and insight into how to get further engagement and, ultimately, how to steer your business and grow.

It can be scary to make the first move, but don’t feel intimidated about starting a conversation with your audience. People love to give their opinions, so leverage that! Some simple ways to do this are by asking their opinions on recent news that relates to your realm of business, or what they think about a new item in your inventory. Another easy way is to simply allow them space to ask any question. You will be amazed at how much engagement you get with your audience through this simple strategy.

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3. Inspirational 

Who doesn’t love to be inspired and encouraged? We all can use a pick-me-up from time to time, and inspirational posts help create bonds between you and your audience. They’re a great way to give back to your audience, but also to reinforce your brand identity and values.

By picking quotes that support your brand’s values and goals, you can easily inspire your audience and make them feel connected to you. Quote posts are also more likely to get increased likes and shares, helping you to capture a larger audience. Sprinkle in a motivational message, an inspiring photo, or some great business advice.

By picking quotes that support your brand’s values and goals, you can easily inspire your audience and make them feel connected to you.

Three Types of Social Media Posts You Need to Use image

Make sure, however, not to clutter your feed with inspirational quotes. Yes, that may spike up engagement and grow your audience for a short period of time, but, in the long run, your organically grown audience will become bored and crave substance. In other words, balance them with informational posts.

Always remember: out of sight; out of mind. The more you post, the more you become a familiar face. So make sure to use these three essential social media posts to create an engaging and successful platform for building your business.

Do you need help creating a social media strategy? That’s where we can help. Our professional experts will help you launch your social media accounts, create an effective strategy, and teach you how to maintain it.


Please, don’t hesitate to contact us.